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How We're Different


Structured to serve you — period.

All of our focus and energy is on one thing — serving our clients. 

  • We'll never push certain products to fill quotas. As a fiduciary, we'll always put your best interest first.
  • We can help guide you with insurance needs but only when it's the most appropriate solution.
  • We provide an open architecture environment to offer the financial products best suited to our client.

At Gordon Private Wealth, we focus on our clients and doing what’s best for them.

No contracts that destroy established relationships.

Our advisors do not sign employment contracts that stipulate if the advisor leaves the firm, he or she cannot contact the clients they served. We believe that this approach best serves the integrity of the advisor-client relationship.

We design our cost structure to offer clients competitive price options.

We believe fee-based asset management can be a suitable choice for many of our clients. There are exceptions, but only if it’s expected that a commission-based approach would be more appropriate for the client's particular situation and potentially more cost efficient. We explain our approach to costs in Services & Fees.

We let investment managers do their jobs. 

In this business, team members should do what they’re best at doing. We leave investing to the experts—the investment managers whose sole focus is to research and study the asset classes in which they specialize. Being aligned with a broker dealer like LPL Financial allows Gordon Private Wealth access to a variety of investment managers that may not have been accessible with another firm.

We focus on due diligence.

One more thing: When it comes to selecting investment managers, it’s vital to do proper due diligence. At Gordon Private Wealth, we rely on the specialists at LPL Financial to take care of this important task for us, giving us the ability to more fully focus on our clients needs.

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Perspective. Alignment. Execution.